The Ugly Beauty of Democracy
Apr 21
It’s strange to hear Americans, who are mostly in debt, speak about the problems of our national debt. We’re in a democracy. A system of government that allows the majority to decide how it’s run. We try our best to vote for people who share our views or paradigms. These people then make laws and spend our tax dollars based on the value system of the Americans that elected them. However, it never fails that whoever ends up in Congress or The White House, many Americans complain about how the government handles money. YOU PICKED THEM! I wonder if the choices of our government are merely a reflection of the choices of the American public? Democracy is cool. You get to make your bed and sleep in it. If you don’t like it, change the sheets…or at least clean the ones you have.
Peace & Thanks,
Jamel Black
Personal Finance Coach
Foresight Christian Financial Coaching